Welcome to next week's free weekly marketing creatives for Instagram courtesy of our Practice Prosperity Program - an ongoing marketing program designed to help health & wellness businesses grow their revenue.
Use our creatives for inspiration, share with your team, or simply go ahead and post.
We're focusing on social media marketing creatives, especially Instagram.
Here's the deal: When a new potential client considers your services, most will do a deep dive and check you out on social media. There is no escaping this new way of working. Some would argue that having a presence on these platforms is just as important as having a website.
Marketing research shows that when you consistently post on Instagram, you will:
Get more engagement
More comments
More direct messages
More people writing to you
More people asking about your offer
That means you'll get more views and interest in your offers, leading to more conversations and sales.
Click on the links below to download.
[DOWNLOAD] Instagram Images Social Media Creatives
[DOWNLOAD] Instagram Carousel Social Media Creatives
NOTE: These weekly creatives are not meant to replace your social media marketing but complement your efforts.
We're trying to help you stay consistent and win the long game by providing updated health and wellness creatives.
Many business owners forget to post specials before observance days. For instance, many of you right now aren't running back-to-school specials, or haven't yet decided what your labor day special is going to be.
Our creatives, if anything, can be a heads-up to run specials.
Not all creatives will be relevant, but we're confident they will, for the most part.
Here's why:
We understand and know your buyer personas
What we ask in return.
In exchange, we only ask for constant feedback on whether you like them and whether they work. That will help us improve our marketing and yours—a win-win!
If you're interested customized creatives, we can do that too for an affordable and reasonable fee.
90% of businesses we speak to, want their own brand and of course that makes sense.
The following are examples of what your Instagram homepage may look like.
Here's to your businesse's Growth,
Gus Bouari
Professional Certified Marketer
Are there any hidden costs associated with the free weekly marketing package?
Nope! There are no hidden costs in the free weekly marketing creatives. We highly suggest you go try them out.
Are all marketing content weight loss related?
No, most of our licensees are holistic doctors offering multiple services. Some of our posts would include:
Weight loss
General wellness
Federal holidays
Why do I need this service?
Marketing is an investment and not an expense, but most importanly it must remain consistent. The best marketers in the world understand this. We're ramping up our marketing efforts and we've got a lot to share with you.
What if I don't like this week's creatives?
We'd appreciate your feedback always. You will receive creatives every week, it's your choice whether to use them, or getinspired with them.
How can this service help during economic downturns?
A consistent online presence is vital to grow your business, especially during economic hardships. Our materials are designed to ensure your practice remains visible and attractive to potential patients.
What platforms are the social media creatives designed for?
The creatives are designed for most major platforms, facebook, instagram and tik tok, and are intended to complement your existing social media efforts.
What if I don't have the time or resources to use the materials?
We understand that managing a practice can be demanding. You, your office manager, or anyone with administrative access can make use of our marketing materials. Remember, the key is consistency.
Who will post this marketing material for us?
We will send you the marketing material and you will post them. If you want us to do it, we can do so for an added fee.